Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Eventful pregnancy - long absence

It's been a rather tumultuous ride these last few months, hence the absence. We had to relocate back to Singapore (due to job commitments) recently. Together with the stresses of packing, moving, looking for a place to stay, we also had to deal with some unexpected events - wifey was found to have pregnancy induced high blood pressure as well as impaired glucose tolerance. This meant daily blood pressure monitoring, 2x per week blood sugar testing (finger prick!) and even an admission to hospital! S$3,200 later (cash), we finally decided to shift to a restructured hospital since we anticipated that our doctor visits will likely be weekly for awhile.

Good news is, mother and baby are now doing fine. We are in our 37th week and counting and looking towards a full term baby just after Chinese New Year. Activities are in full swing to prepare the nursery, last minute purchases and frantic reading up on the labour/birth process. D-day is near!

1 comment:

A Husband's Voice said...

Hey there,

Welcome back!! Glad to learn that both mother and baby are doing fine!

So you know the gender yet? For some reason unknown even to me, I am guessing it's a girl.

Anyway wishing you have a happy and easy birth.

Do keep us posted!


How old am I today?

pregnancy due date