Friday, September 7, 2007

A Wife's prerogative

Today, I had a minor argument with wifey. The issue was whether I felt that she was wasting away her time when she should instead be "productive" and do something "intellectually stimulating". I then further contradict myself by telling her that because she is pregnant (and carrying my flesh and blood), she should take this time to enjoy herself and for once in her adult life not have to worry about working since it's probably gonna get rather busy once the little tike is born.

Truth be told, I actually bet (with myself) when wifey was starting her no-pay leave that she wouldn't last a month in Bangkok without work to occupy her. I mean... she hasn't not-work a single day (well almost...) since she graduate from Uni! I was confidently thinking up of all the many tasks that she could/would do once she came begging for something to kill her boredom. Perhaps she could run my company for me... or get a part-time job, or perhaps even want to start a new business... More than a month has passed and suffice to say, I lost the bet.

In between yoga classes and lunch with pregnant friends (it so happened that 2 of her good friends in Bangkok are pregnant at around the same time, they say pregnancy is contagious) there's also the game called memorizing the floor plans of all major shopping malls in Bangkok. When she's home, there are loads of DVDs and movies to keep her more than occupied.

Perhaps I'm jealous of her freedom? But have I forgotten that in the past 3 years, she was the one that "brought home the bacon" while I happily assumed the position of "spouse on post"? Besides putting up with office politics and a bitchy female boss, she had to deal with a natural disaster (tsunami), protests at the Embassy (one was a few thousand strong), elections, a military (bloodless) coup to name a few... I think I have been a selfish pig. This time of pregnancy should be her own to do whatever she wishes. My job is to support her to ensure that she stays happy everyday and perhaps baby will be happy too. Yes I think I can do that...

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How old am I today?

pregnancy due date